The Clark County Courthouse has a SINGLE-POINT Entry. Please use the door (B103) located on the north side of the building on 6th Street.
Courthouse parking is available across the street from the entrance in Lot 1 off sixth street and further down the street in Lot 2. Street parking is also available but is limited to 3 hours per enforcement by Neillsville Police Department. Only use the handicap entrance on the south side if you are unable to navigate stairs. You will need to page security to be let into this entrance. An elevator is available inside the building. Click here for parking map.
The program is designed to:
Collect support payments including:
Child support
Family support (combined support for both the children and the custodial person in a child support case), and
In cases where there is an order to make separate child support and spousal maintenance payments (alimony) to collect both child support and spousal maintenance.
Establish court orders obligating parents to pay child support and provide health care for their children, including health insurance coverage;
Establish paternity on behalf of children whose parents were not married to each other at the time of the child's birth;
Find parents who are not paying support and locate their income and assets, when necessary to establish or enforce a child support order; and
Take administrative and legal actions necessary to enforce a support order when parents fail to pay the support they have been ordered to pay
The child support program is authorized by federal law, and is operated in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations.
Mission Statement
The Child Support Enforcement program is operated through the cooperative efforts of federal, state, and local government. The agencies originated to set and enforce child support and insurance orders; the idea being, if both parents supported the children the burden would not fall upon the tax payers via county aid. The Child Support Agency and the agency attorney do not represent either parent or the children but represent the interests of the state.
Custody & Placement Issues
Please keep in mind that matters of legal custody and physical placement are separate from the financial support of children. Wisconsin’s child support program has no authority to modify or enforce custody or placement orders and child support agencies do not address these matters. Contact your local courts for issues with custody and/or placement or seek private counsel for help in settling custody and placement disputes.
If all parties agree to change placement, you can complete the Stipulation and Order to Change and forward to:
Clark County Clerk of Courts
517 Court St, Room 405
Neillsville, WI 54456
Instructions for filling out the form can be found here.

Payments are not considered “late” until a payment is more than 30 days overdue. The county agency is prohibited from receiving cash payments. Send payments to: Wisconsin Support Collections Trust Fund (WI SCTF), P.O. Box 74200, Milwaukee, WI, 53274-0200. Include a payment coupon with your payment to ensure payment is applied to the correct case. For other methods of payment, see the attached information. For child support payment information please refer Payment Methods.
Job or Address Changes
Submit the changes in writing or notify the agency at the above address or phone number within 48 hours.
517 Court Street , Room 504Â | Â Neillsville, WIÂ Â 54456Â | Â Ph: (715) 743-5213 Â Fx: (715) 743-5290Â |Â Email: child.support@co.clark.wi.us
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