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24 Hour AODA & Mental Health Crisis Helpline: (715) 743-3400 or (800) 863-3560        
Phone Number: (715) 743-5208

Walking Through Fields

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Sue Voigt

Ph: (715) 743-5198

Farmers in Clark County, Wisconsin wanted!

Researchers are looking for farmers to participate in a confidential interview and a short survey about how they problem-solve for financial and mental well-being on the farm and at home. Receive a $50 gift card as a thank you for your time.


For more information call: 814-865-4982 or email: To sign-up to participate, visit this link: or call the number above.


This clinic serves all patients regardless of ability to pay. Discounts for essential services are offered based on family size and income. For more information, click here. Thank you.



Esta clinica sirve a todos los pacientes, independientemente de la capacidad de pago. Descuentos para los servicios esenciales son ofrecidos dependiendo de tamano de la familia y de los ingresos. Usted puede solicitor un descuento en la recepcion o visita nuestro sitio web.


Clark County Community Services
517 Court Street
Room 503
Neillsville, WI  54456
(715) 743-5208
Clark County Rehab & Living Center 
W4266 County Hwy X
Owen, WI  54460
(715) 743-5208
Monday to Friday
8:00am to 4:30pm

Community Services is able to provide the following programs to clients:


Outpatient Clinic 

State certified provider of outpatient mental health and substance abuse services offering confidential individual, group, and family therapy. Psychiatric and psychological evaluations, substance abuse assessments, and counseling are available at two locations (Courthouse and Clark County Health Care Center).  At this time we are only serving Clark County residents.  Services provided can be billed to most health insurance companies and medical assistance.  If no insurance, fees can be reduced based on ability to pay.


Case Management/Community Support Program

Since the mid 1970's the concept of community based services for persons with significant disabilities has been our guiding principle. Since the mid 1980's Community Services has partnered with the Clark County Health Care Center for this service. Case management reduces or eliminates the need for costly institutional care and improves the quality of life for persons with disabilities.


Birth-to-Three Program

Children with special needs are helped through a variety of case management and therapy efforts. All children and families who are eligible must be served. This is a growing program that presently serves 25 families.


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