Safe Sitter/Safe@Home

Safe Sitter® prepares students in grades 6-8 to be safe when they’re home alone, watching younger siblings, or babysitting. Students learn life-saving skills such as how to rescue someone who’s choking, and helpful information like what to do if there’s severe weather. The lessons are filled with fun activities and role-playing exercises. Students even get to use CPR manikins to practice choking rescue and CPR!

Safe@Home is ideal for students that have expressed interest in assuming the responsibility of staying home alone. Students learn how to practice safe habits, how to prevent unsafe situations, and what to do when faced with dangers such as power failures or weather emergencies. Students are also introduced to the Safe Sitter® First Aid Chart and learn a system to help them assess and respond to injuries and illnesses. The program is designed to prepare students for their first steps towards independence.

Classes will be offered by the Clark County Health Department. Classes will be offered in the Summer of 2025.
Please reach out to Katie Cook (program lead) at 715-743-5118.

Rebecca GrisenÂ
Health Educator/P.H. Specialist/Public Information Officer
Office Phone: (715) 743-5110
To report a public health emergency or communicable disease after hours, please contact Clark County Dispatch at (715) 743-3157.
Our office is closed on significant holidays & days of recognition. Please click here for more information. Â