Adult Development Services
ADS has been providing work services to adults with disabilities of Clark County since 1972. Centrally located in Greenwood, WI, our diverse vocational programs provide a variety of opportunities for those who choose to work.
Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC)
The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Clark County provides a single source for information and assistance for older adults, adults with disabilities, and their caregivers while supporting self-sufficiency, quality of life, and dignity.
Child Support Agency
The Child Support Enforcement program is operated through the cooperative efforts of federal, state, and local government. The agencies originated to set and enforce child support and insurance orders; the idea being, if both parents supported the children the burden would not fall upon the tax payers via county aid.
Clerk of Courts
It is the mission of the Clerk of Courts to facilitate for the creation, maintenance, disposition, and preservation of the written record of all proceedings that come before the Circuit Court System of the county. Our goal is to provide prompt and efficient service to the public and all participants.
Clerk's Office
It is the mission of the Clerk's Office to provide quality service to the citizens, county board, municipalities, and departments as provided in Chapter 59 of the Wisconsin State Statues.
Community Services
In the case of an accident, the coroner or a deputy coroner will make contact with the family in person. The office of the coroner attempts to aid families with difficult tasks during this time by offering to make phone calls, contact clergy, or provide contacts for support groups.
Corporation Counsel
County Attorney
Emergency Management
Forestry & Parks
Health Department
Land Conservation
Planning & Zoning/Land Information
Register in Probate
Register of Deeds
Rehabilitation & Living Center
Social Services
Veterans Services