
Large blocks of county forestlands (134,702 acres), along with many acres of private forest/croplands that are also open to the public for hunting, provide well over 143,000 acres of hunting grounds. The most frequently hunted species in the county are deer, ruffed grouse, rabbit and squirrel. Black bear and turkey populations continue to climb and are hunted in the county. The county forest is breeding ground for many varied species from black bear to otter.
The Clark County Forest offers nearly 135,000 acres for hunters to explore. Numerous roads and trails throughout the forest provide access for hunting.
Click here for Clark County Forest Rules and Ordinances
Clark County has an abundant wildlife population which attracts many sportsmen to the area. Whitetail deer populations average 20 - 25 deer per square mile of deer range. Turkey populations have been increasing countywide with several zones of huntable numbers. There is also a healthy population of black bear in the county.
Ducks, geese, and ruffed grouse are numerous and provide ample opportunity for hunters. Clark County is home to a number of endangered species including the wood turtle, eastern massasauga rattlesnake, red-shouldered hawk, blanding's turtle, bald eagle, cooper's hawk, and the karner blue butterfly.
Click here for Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
Click here for a map of young aspen in County Forest.
Click here for a map of the Vazquez Grouse Management Area
Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM | 517 Court St., Room 103 | Neillsville, WI 54456 | Phone: (715) 743-5140