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Image by Joy Stamp

Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)


Emergency Planning in Clark County 
Each Wisconsin county is designated as an emergency planning district and has a Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) to administer the local hazardous chemical planning program under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act, also known SARA Title III. The Clark County LEPC membership includes local and state elected officials, members of emergency response agencies, emergency management, and hospitals, along with representatives from transportation, broadcast and print media, community groups, and representatives of facilities subject to SARA Title III. 

The county executive appoints the members. The Clark County LEPC meets twice a year and the meetings are open to the public. 

LEPC Planning Process 
At Clark County LEPC meetings, members representing emergency responders, industry, and the community actively participate in the emergency planning process for chemicals present on-site at facilities. They exchange ideas and information that contribute to effective, safe emergency planning for accidental chemical releases. 

The emergency management director updates each plan every year and creates new plans for those new reporting facilities. After the plan is created, it is review by the Clark County LEPC. The plan addresses chemicals stored on site, storage practices and safety, chemical protection and monitoring systems, facility on-site emergency procedures, and available facility emergency equipment. Vulnerability zones are created describing the worst case scenario for a chemical release. Specifically, the safety of emergency responders, employees, and the community are a priority during this review process.

Hazmat Information 


Clark County Hazmat  
For Hazardous Materials incidents, contact Clark County Dispatch at 9-1-1 or the Clark County Non-Emergency Line 715-743-3157.  The appropriate Response Team will be dispatched. 

Other Resources 

  • Chemical Transportation Emergency Center (CHEMTREC) (800) 424-9300

  • National Response Center (800) 424-8802

517 Court Street, Room 306  |  Neillsville, WI 54456  |  Ph: (715) 743-5100    Fx: (715 743-4350   Cell: (715) 429-0669

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