Economic Support Programs
FoodShare Program:
Provides FoodShare to households that meet certain financial and non-financial requirements helping low-income families and individuals to buy nutritious food. For more information please call the Western Region for Economic Assistance (WREA) at 1-888-627-0430 or visit https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/foodshare/index.htm.
Medical Assistance Program:
Provides health care benefits to individuals and families who meet certain financial, health, or age requirements. For more information please call the Western Region for Economic Assistance at 1-888-627-0430 or visit http://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/medicaid/INDEX.HTM.
To Apply for FoodShare or Medical Assistance:
Online: visit ACCESS.wi.gov to complete an application.
Call: Western Region for Economic Assistance at 1-888-627-0430 to complete an application or schedule an appointment at your local agency.
Local Agency: Come to the Clark County Department of Social Services to complete a request for assistance and set the filing date. Once this request for assistance is received by the Western Region for Economic Assistance, the applicant will be contacted to set up an application interview.
Mail: Complete application and mail to:
PO Box 5234
Janesville, WI 53547- 5234
Wisconsin Shares - Child Care Subsidy Program:
A child care subsidy is provided to employed parents who meet program and income eligibility. Parents must use a regulated provider and receive an authorization for reimbursement. For more information please call the Western Region for Economic Assistance (WREA) at 1-888-627-0430 or visit http://dcf.wi.gov/childcare.
Clark County Department
of Social Services
517 Court St.
Room 502
Neillsville, WI 54456
Monday - Friday
8 AM - 4:30 PM
Ph: (715) 743-5233
Fx: (715) 743-5242
Toll Free: (866) 743-5233
Emergency After Hours
Sheriff's Office:
(715) 743-3157
After Hours No Heat Hotline:
(715) 743-3157
To Apply for Wisconsin Shares:
1. Online: visit ACCESS.wi.gov to complete an application.
2. Call: Western Region for Economic Assistance (WREA) at 1-888-627-0430 to request an application.
3. Local Agency: Come to the Clark County Department of Social Services to complete a request for assistance and set the filing date. Once this request for assistance is received by the Western Region for Economic Assistance, the applicant will be contacted to set up an application interview.
MyWIChildCare EBT Payment System: Parent Portal Provider Portal
Questions Regarding Your Benefits or to Report a Change:
If you have questions regarding your FoodShare, Medical Assistance, or WisconsinShares benefits or you need to report a change, please contact the Western Region for Economic Assistance at 1-888-627-0430.
Changes that should be reported: Birth of a child, address changes, income or asset changes, people moving in or out of the household, expense changes, or child care authorization changes.
To report suspected fraud of public assistance benefits (FoodShare, Medical Assistance, or Child Care Assistance) please call the Western Region for Economic Assistance at 1-888-627-0430.
Affordable Care Act - Marketplace
For information on the Affordable Care Act and qualifying for health insurance through the Marketplace, please call 1-800-318-2596 or visit https://www.healthcare.gov.