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ADS | Adult Development Services | Greenwood, WI

Providing Quality Rehabilitative Work Services

Two Technicians Working On Machine

Vocational Programs

Individuals receiving services at ADS have the advantage of participating in a variety of vocational outcomes. Our vocational programs consist of facility based pre-vocational, community based supported, and community based integrated services.


Pre-vocational: Facility based programs utilize work outsourced from a wide variety of Clark County and surrounding area businesses. Individuals are employed in both commercial food service and light manufacturing settings. ADS' two proprietary products, Clark Pizza and Green Woods candles, provide additional in house work opportunities.


An emphasis on evaluation through on the job training and work experience in a diverse pre-vocational setting helps determine interest, desired outcomes, and work skills.


Supported employment: Community based supported employment affords individuals the opportunity to work at area businesses, either individually or as part of enclaves, performing various service oriented tasks. ADS provides the appropriate levels of support, training, and supervision that enable the individual to work safely, produce quality work, and enhance their individual work skills. The ability to experience some of the challenges of a community work environment is a valuable step towards greater independence.


Integrated employment: ADS' integrated employment program takes a person centered, customized approach to job development. By focusing on the individual's interests, preferences, and potential, in addition to cultivating strong relationships with area businesses, ADS can effectively match individuals to jobs, thereby increasing job satisfaction and retention.


For more information please contact our Rehabilitation Services Manager, Kevin Schillinger.


ADS takes referrals from Inclusa, Clark County Community Services, DVR, and other out of county agencies. Please contact one of these organizations to see if you qualify for services or contact ADS for further information.

Feel free to contact us with questions and/or comments.

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